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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Mar 10, 1792

Remarks Saturday 10th March 1792 Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Light Winds & very fine Weather. I sent the Cutter to bring Lieut. Portlock to dine with me. —

 4 pm: Moderate and fine Weather. Albetrosses Small Blue Petterals and a Cape Hen —

 6 pm: Saw two Cape Hens on the Water. Lieutenant Portlock returned to the Assistant. Let fresh Water into the Ship and Worked the pumps. The Assistants People had some compaints from Colds but in general they were all remarkably well.—

10 pm: In 1st. Reefs. Fires all Night to Air the Ship. —

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather

 8 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast Sweet Wort at 10 OClock – Krout a half pint per Man as Usual. —

10 am: Cleaned & aired Ship with Fires. Saw a Flock of Albetrosses on the Water. Rock Weed and a Cape Hen
Sailmakers mending Sails

12 noon: Fresh Gales and dark Cloudy Weather. Under Tripple Reefed Fore Top Sail & Double reefed Main Top Sail. —
   Assistant in Company

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