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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Mar 7, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 7th March 1792 Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Wind suddenly lessened with thick Rainy Weather – Got Top Gallant Yards up.

 4 pm: Inclinable to Calm – Ship great motion. Unbent the Main Top Gallant Sail to repair and bent the New One.

 6 pm: Made more Sail. Worked the pumps as usual.

 8 pm: A Continuance of Wet weather. Kept a Fire all Night to Air Ship and dry Cloaths.

12 mid: Very heavy Squalls of Rain

 4 am: Strong Hail Storms. Shortned Sail occasionally

 8 am: Fresh Gale and fair Weather. Served thick Gruel and Portable Soup for breakfast. Sweet Wort at 10 OClock and Bore Cole in the pease for Dinner, with Sour Krout as usual. —

10 am: Cleaned and dried Ship with Fires —

12 noon: Ditto Weather. The Assistant in Company. In these Strong Winds I am always obliged to spare her much Sail. I am now under Top Sails & Fore Top Mast Steering Sail & could carry Top Gallant Steering Sails & encrease our going between 2 & 3 Miles per Hour. —

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