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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 27, 1792

Remarks Monday 27th February 1792 Towards New Zeland

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather

 2 pm: Set Steering Sails. —

 4 pm: My Deck Thermometer from the carelessness of the Midshipmen was broke to day. This is the second that I have lost and having only one left, am therefore not so relugar [regular] in registering its height, as it is necessary to have it on Deck out of the effect of the fire, which I have now in my Cabbin.

 8 pm: In Steering Sails. Fires all Night to Air Ship.

12 mid: Moderate and Cloudy

 4 am: Out 1st. Reefs and set Top Mast & Top Gallant Steering Sails

 6 am: Scrubbed Hammock Cloths

 8 am: Light Winds and Cloudy Weather. Thick Portable Soup Gruel for breakfast. Served vinegar as usual on this day, and Bore Cole and Portable Soup mixed with Oatmeal for Dinner.— Krout as usual. —

11 am: Washed Ship and dried with Fires

12 noon: Light Winds and Cloudy Weather with a faint show of the Sun – Saw Rock Weed – Sent a little fresh Mutton on board the Assistant by a float and Line.
    Albetrosses and Sheerwaters. –

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