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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 21, 1792

Remarks in Adventure Bay

1792 February

Tuesday 21st Fair Weather with light Variable Airs and Calms.
In the Morning the Parties off in search of the absent Man, and I employed myself in getting some equal Altitudes & Variation of the Compass for we had not experienced such a day while we were here.

The Parties who were sent particularly after the Man, whose name is Bennet, missed him, but very fortunately Mr Pearce, the Lieut. of Marines, and the Botanists found him a little from the Beach, and brought him to me where I was observing. It is wonderfull to relate that this unhappy creature had determined to stay behind with a wish to perish, and never to return to his native Country. I found he was of creditable parents, but had been a disgrace to them, and therefore they had recommended him to go this Voyage, as the most elligible either to improve or send him to destruction. Our minds were now at ease. The Man was kindly taken care of, and I ordered the Ships to be towed further out of the Bay where we were obliged to Anchor in 15 Fathoms, it being perfectly Calm. Pengwin Island bore East 1 Mile Cape Frederick Henry N24°E, Nelson Hill S1°E.

As the last service I could offer to this Country I sent on Shore by Lieutenant Bond a Cock and Two Hens to be let loose on the high Grounds within Pengwin Island. Two Goats that were sent on the Island to graze could not be found, and were left behind, but unfortunately neither of them was a Male, nor have we one on board either of the Ships, so that no benefit can be derived from these Animals.

In the Evening many Fish caught with Hook & Line.

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