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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 20, 1792

Remarks in Adventure Bay

1792 February

Monday 20th The Weather to Day turned moderate with Winds from the Eastward and Calms, and having got every thing from the Shore we were ready for Sea, and Unmoored Ship.

I made an excursion in the morning after the Natives who I found had absented themselves from our Neighbourhood. After the forenoon search I returned without seeing them. I should have immediately endeavored to have got out to Sea, but One of the Assistants people absented himself from the Boat, and altho search was made after him, and Guns fired from the Ship, we could hear no tydings of him. Fires were made about the Shore for the Night, and I directed a light to be left all Night at the Ships Masts Heads, that the poor fellow might find his way to the Bay.

Since the Wind has abated we have again began to catch fine red Cod with Hook & Line, & as I could not go to Sea & leave the poor unhappy man, I sent the Seine to be hauled in the Evening. Caught a sufficiency of Spanish Mackrel to supply both Ships abundantly, besides a few Gurnets, Bream & other small fish; among which were some smelts like those in England.

I directed two Parties to be ready to set off in the morning, each under the Command of a Lieut. to search for the Poor Man who was absent.

Ships Draught of Water forward 15 .. 6 aft 16 .. 3 9 Inches by the Stern

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