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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 14, 1792

Remarks in Adventure Bay

1792 February

Tuesday 14th Moderate & Cloudy Weather with Squalls & Showers of Rain & apparently bad Weather at Sea.
 The Wind NW to SWbW by the West.

At day light we found too much Surf on at Resolution River to Water there, I therefore sent Lieut. Portlock to examine some Water at East Cove, & from his opinion of it & a sample he brought off, I thought it proper to order the Waterers on Shore there, the landing being convenient, but the Water not so pure. The Wood Cutters remained at their first Station, but even with them it was troublesome to get the Wood to the Boat. As this is the only place we can get a supply of Wood, I found it necessary to clear the Hold to enable us to stow the greater quantity. Received on board three Turn of Water per Launch, and four large Cutter Loads of Wood.

I saw some dark coloured Lizards, & one of our Young Gentlemen Shot a kind of Cockatoo, the plumage was brown tinged with black & olive, on each side of the Head a Yellow Spot. Six of the long Tail feathers was yellow speckled with black, about 3 Inches in the middle, so that when they flew, it formed a circular yellow mark. The Bird measured from tip to tip of the Wing 3 Feet 8 inches & from the Bill to the End of the Tail 2 feet. Its body was rather larger than the largest Parrot, & its head disporportionately sized & rough. It is certainly a variety of the Bankian Cockatoo.

Severall Parroquets were Shot. A few Ducks, Gannets, & Shags with White Bellys, called by some Shell Drakes. Fish we continued to catch with Hook & Line; but the Seine scarcely pays for the trouble of hauling it.

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