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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 12-13, 1792

Remarks in Adventure Bay

1792 February

Sunday 12th Moderate Breezes Southerly, with Calms and Cloudy Weather and a Sharp Air, Wooders, Waterers Grass Cutters and Broomers employed; and at leasure moments hauling the Seine and Catching Fish with hook & line. I continue to give my People good breakfasts of thick Gruel and Portable Soup, and as no Vegetable production can be found here, I likewise give them Sour Krout every Day, and Bore Cole & Portable Soup for their Dinners on Banyan Days. Sweet Wort I have left off while here, as exercise and the Land Air will do its office.

Received four large Cutter Loads of Wood, and three Launch loads of Water.

About Sun set, after our days work, I took my Rod & Line to the Lake, where in an hour I caught 21 Bream the largest about 1½ lb, and the smallest about a half pound. I fished with a float & it was very good amusement.

At Night the Botanists returned, having been towards Cape Frederick Henry. On the low land they saw some deserted Wigwams, but no recent marks of the Natives. They got some valuable Speciments, and suppose the narrowest part to Cape Frederick Henry Bay was about 300 Yards.

In hauling the Seine to day, we caught two very large fine Oysters.

    The Barometer stood at 29 Inches, 79 —

Monday 13th Untill the latter part of this Day, we had fresh Northerly & NE Winds with a moist air and dark Cloudy Weather; but towards midnight it cleared with the Wind to the N.W.

We found much difficulty in getting our Water off, the Surf running high, & we had some trouble also with the Wood; so that our dispatch in the necessary duties of the Ship was slower than I wished it to be. Received 3 turn of Water per Launch & four large Cutter loads of Wood.

Our people continued to catch Rock Cod alongside, and the anglers in the Lake caught many fine Bream, which may be considered among the richest Fish we are acquainted with. Some Weighed 2½ pounds.

We saw no signs of the Natives in the neighbourhood of this place; but on the NW side of Frederick Henry Bay we saw a Fire.

Several Seals have been seen, and have caught several Shirks [sharks]. A few Ducks have been killed, Shags and Gannets. The latter roasted with its Skin off if preferable to any of the others, and is remarkably free of any fishy taste.

The Botanists in their excursions killed a Rat, and several have been seen by our people, they however resemble a mole about the head, altho like our small Rats in every other particular.

Since we first arrived we landed our Goats on Pengwin Island to feed. On my going there to day to take some bearings, they followed me like Dogs, & made mufch bleating when I left them. From the Heights of the Island, Frederick Henry Bay can be seen distinctly & an Island in it bore N30°W. Cape Frederick Henry N15°# 3 or 4 Miles, and the outer of Marias Isles N67°E.

The Land produceth a fine kind of Wire Grass (which our Sheep and Goats like very much) and a few poor Trees. Its extent is not a half Mile in Circuit. At low Water there is a dry pass to it, from the Main which we call Grass Point.

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