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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 25 2021

Providence Logbook Dec 23, 1791

Remarks Friday 23rd December 1791 Towards Van [Diemans Land]

 1 pm: Light Variable Airs and Calms

 2 pm: Arrived, His Majestys Sloop Swan. Captain John Elphinstone informed me the cause of his touching here was his being on want of Water. He was bound to Madrass with Dispatches

 4 pm: I sailed and Saluted the Fort with 15 Guns, which was returned with the same number. Cheered Captain Hunter and the Swan Cheered us. The Wind being doubtfull to the South of Robin Island, I steered out to the Northward of it to get to Sea

 7 pm: at ½ past 7 The Extremes of the Land from NbE to SbW¾W Robin Island SbE¾E 3 or 4 Leagues. Table Land SbE.
 Departure from the Cape Town allowing it to be in 33°:56′ South 18:33 East.

 1 am: Fresh Gales and a very great Head Sea
In 3rd Reefs Main Top Sail and 4th Reef Fore Topsail

 5 am: Table Land SEbE½E about 12 Leagues

 8 am: Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather. Saw a French Ship on a Wind —

 9 am: More Moderate out a Reef of each Top Sail

10 am: Cleaned below.

12 noon: Fresh Gales and Hazy Weather.
   Assistant in Company
   Served Wine

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