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Revised Aug 25 2021

Providence Logbook Nov 30-Dec 12, 1791

Remarks In Table Bay Cape of Good Hope

November 1791

Wednesday 30th Moderate Breezes & Variable with some Calms. Examined all Chests and Bags, and Cleaned Ship. Received Water Fresh Mutton Greens and Soft Bread as usual. Carpenters & Sailmakers as before. Anchored a Dutch Ship from Europe.—


Thursday 1 Light Winds & fair Weather. Sailmakers Carpenters and Cooper employed as usual. Sailed an American Ship for Boston. Anchored a French Frigate from the Mauritius.–

Friday 2 Moderate & Cloudy with some Rain. Sailed the Ship Chacer Captain Lloyd on the Whale Fishery. Sent Letters by him —
Hands Employed as before & receiving Sea Stores on Board 1254 lbs Raisins 1600 lbs Krout. –

Saturday 3 Fresh Gales and very Squally Weather. Anchored one English Whaler. Anchored a French Ship, & Sailed another with Staves for the Island Martinique. Fresh Meat as usual. Carpenters as before —

Sunday 4 Strong Gales & Squally Weather. Got up every thing from below, and Washed in every part of the Ship.—

Monday 5 Fresh Gales and Squally Weather. Set up the Lower Rigging–other duties as usual. Received Fresh Meat Greens & Soft Bread

Tuesday 6 Ditto Weather and some very heavy Squalls – Carpenters Sailmakers and Cooper Employed as before. Received Fresh Meat &c as usual Sailed two French Ships — Received 572 Gallons of Wine —

Wednesday 7 Ditto Weather and no Boat able to pass from the Ship.

Thursday 8 Ditto Weather. Received Fresh Meat &c People Employed as necessary Towards Noon Moderate & some small Rain, Received 1237 Gallons Wine.

Friday 9 Moderate and fair Weather Struck the Tent. Washed & Cleaned Ship Received Fresh Mutton Greens and Bread as usual.—

Saturday 10 Moderate & Fair Weather with Fog in the Morning Carpenters Sailmakers and Cooper repg[?] & Compleating their Work.—

Sunday 11 Ditto Weather. Up all Chests Bags & Bedding, & Washed thoroughly all over the Ship. Received Fresh Meat &c &c as usual. Carpenters Sailmakers and Cooper Employed as before—

Monday 12 Fair Weather & Hazy. Carpenters Sailmakers & Cooper Employed on their necessary duties. Received Fresh Mutton Soft Bread & Greens as usual. Bent Sails. Arrived a Dutch Ship & Two French Ships. Sailed an English Whaler. A French Frigate from the Isle of France.—
Ships Draught of Water forward 14 Feet..6 Inches abaft 15 Feet..6 Inches

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