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Revised Aug 25 2021

Providence Logbook Nov 7, 1791

Remarks Monday 7th November 1791

 1 pm: Fair and very Hazy Weather

 4 pm: Shortned Sail

 5 pm: Came to with the Best Bower in 4¾ fathons. Veered away and moored open to the SE Winds. The outer points of the Bay bore N40W & N28E. The Extremes of Robin Island from N16W to North. The Table Hill S42W. Lion's Head S79W. and the Church Steeple S50W off Shore One Mile —

10 pm: Found riding here three Dutch Indiamebn, two English Whalers & a French Brigantine—A French Ship bound home.

12 mid: Sent an Officer to Wait on the Lieut. Governor. The Governor being in Europe, as we were informed by an officer who boarded us as soon as we Anchored, to enquire whether we had any Epidemic disease in the Ship.—

 4 am: From a Message from Lieut. Governor Rhenius, we were to exchange Salutes in the Morning —

 6 am: Unbent Sails and unrove running Rigging and Saluted the Fort with 13 Guns which was returned with the same Number.—

12 noon: Fine Weather Assistant in Company


As soon as the Ship was Moored I landed. I found that Governor Van De Graaf was in Europe, and Mr. Rhenius the Lieut. Governor was invested with the command. I waited on him in the morning, and every thing was arranged both for our present and future supplies. I ordered the Ships Companies to be Victualled with fresh Mutton, Greens and soft Bread every day, and directed the Surgeon to send all such persons to Sick Quarters, who he thought would require the advantage of the land Air. Perhaps no Ship's Company ever required less attention in this particular than my own; but a few of them having embarked with virulent Venereal complaints, it was necessary to do every thing to irradicate the remains.— I directed a Tent to be fixed and the necessary duties of the Ship to be forwarded–thus every thing being in a fair Way, I set about the recovery of my own health, which was so much impaired as to render every attention and care necessary to bring me again in a tolerable State to proceed to Sea.—

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