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Revised Aug 25 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 27, 1791

Remarks Tuesday 27th September 1791

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and Squally Weather

 2 pm: Rain

 4 pm: Saw a Man of War Bird

 8 pm: Cloudy Weather

11 pm: Fires all Night to dry Cloaths and Air the Ship.

12 am: Heavy Swell from the Southward

 3 am: Lightning

 8 am: Moderate & Cloudy Weather. Up all Chests and Bags and Washed & Cleaned.

 9 am: Dried with Fires

11 am: Tacked. Served Bore Cole [= kale] 6 pounds

12 pm: Moderate & Cloudy Sun out only at times.
  Assistant in Company
 Swell from the Southward.
Myself better to Day. Not so much affected by Noise

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