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Revised Aug 25 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 26, 1791

Remarks Monday 26th September 1791

 1 pm: Moderate and Cloudy

 6 pm: Squally with Rain. A Sail in the West

 7 pm: In 1st. Reefs

 9 pm: Fires all Night as usual

11 pm: Very Rainy and dark Squally Weather with Lightning.

12 am: Constant Rain. In 2nd Reefs. A very heavy Head Sea.

 4 am: Moderate and Cloudy out 2nd Reefs.

 8 am: Squally & Rain shortened and made Sail occasionally.

10 am: Up all Wet Cloaths. Cleaned & dried below with Fires Served Vinegar to the people and Bore Cole [= borecole = kale] &c.

11 am: Bonetos Portuguese Men of War & some Oceanic Birds and a Bird of the Gull kind.

12 pm: Fresh Breezes and open Cloudy Weather
 Assistant in Company
  My Health as Yesterday

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