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Revised Aug 25 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 18, 1791

Remarks Sunday 18th September 1791

 1 pm: Fair Weather

 4 pm: Cloudy

 6 pm: Squally & heavy Rain, Thunder & Lightning In 1st. Reefs

12 am: Fires all Night to Dry Cloaths & Air Ship
Out Reefs and set Studding Sails.

 4 am: Moderate and Cloudy Weather

 7 am: Squally with heavy Rain. Shorted Sail occasionally

 9 am: Caught 5 Puncheons of Water

10 am: Dried below with Fires and the People employed Washing their Cloaths.

12 pm: Rainy Weather. No Observation.
  Assistant in Company
My Fever & Violent Head Ach still continues and I suffer very much.

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