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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 61 - 29 May 1789

Remarks Friday 29 May 1 [pm] Fine Wr. — 3 [pm] At ¾ past 3 came too at an end of a Reef to try for fish Land first seen an Isld [N?]¾E 5 leags. – another wth. a round Top off it WbN½N. — 4 [pm] At 4 findg no fish bore away for round Top Isld. — 5 [pm] At 5 round Top Isld. No.most land NW½W & Isld. first seen SE¼S. At ¼ past 5 Got into a Bay on the NW side of an Isld. next to round Top & Landed on a Sandy Point call Restoration point. The northermost Land in sight NWbN¼N 8 leags. An Isld. with three sandy which lies between us & the Main from NW¾N to SW½S dist. a quarter of a Mile. A small Isld. abt. 4 miles off was on with the southermost extreme Restoration Isld. or Isld. I am on NEbN¼E 18 of Mile to SbE ½ Mile. – A high peeked Hill wch I later to be part of the Main SbW½W. Land to the South SbE But Land first seen or Isld. of Direction lays more to the Eastd. — Found oysters & Perrywinkles Supped on them a small Isld. NbW 4 or 5 leags. AM. Gathered more & with one allowance of Pork & Bread made a fine Dinner. – Hands getting Boat in order. – Found Water—Ebb from the Southd People could hardly Walk weak – Noon much refreshed – Skelleton of a Snake 8 feet long hung on a Tree — Great trouble in getting a fire my readg Glass did it
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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