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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 49 - 23 May 1789

Saturdy. 23d May 1789 1 [pm] Fresh Gales & fair Wr. but a high breaking Sea which keeps us constantly Wet & bailing, and not able to keep our course. — 8 [pm] Squally with Rain 1 [am] Sea breaking all over us – constantly Bailing 6 [am] Squally Wr. Have past a dreadfl bad night. All numbd with the Cold & wet. Not a dry thread. 8 [am] Began to wring wet cloaths. Served Rum & Bread 12 [noon] Fresh Gales & fair Wr. but Sea so high every instant in danger of filling. Bread as usual for dinner. One Man complaing. Latd. Obsd. 13°:44′ S
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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