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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 48 - 22 May 1789

Fridy. 22 May 1789 1 [pm] Fresh Gales & Fine Wr. wth. a high Sea from the SE 3 [pm] Greatly refreshed by the fine wr. — Empld drying our Wet Cloaths. — 6 [pm] Cloudy Wr. Served our proporn. of bread & water for supper 8 [pm] Ship'd many seas – All wet & cold. – 6 [am] Very Squally & much Sea always bailing 8 [am] Bread & Water for Breakfast 10 [am] Squally & Rain – cant keep our course 11 [am] A Heavy Sea cant keep our Course. 12 [noon] Fair Wr. Sea breakg over us. Under Single Reef Fore Sail. Fresh Gales
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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