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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Jun 23, 1789

Remarks in Coupang. Tuesday 23d. June 1789.

Fair Wr. with light ESE Winds.

It was at first of great concern to me that neither Mr. Van Este or Mr. Wanjon spoke English or French, but fortunately there happened to be a Gentleman of the Faculty (Mr. Hendrick Arnold Danell Bertz.) who had come from Batavia to endeavor to render some Service to Mr. Van Este, who spoke English very well. To him I applyed on all Occasions, when I had any business to transact and he readily rendered us every Service that way.

I find this is the only settlement of the Dutch on this Island. It was formerly, I am told a place of Plenty and a tolerable Trade, but that at present every thing is scarce and very dear, their Trade was Bees Wax and Sandle Wood. At this time only one Ship is sent here by the Company[*], and is with some difficulty loaded. The Island they assert is almost robbed of all its sandle wood, yet a Large Brig and a Sloop find it worth their while to Trade here under Private merchants, altho the Company cannot make much of it.

[* Dutch East India Company]

The scarcity of every thing here induced me to come to an agreement to pay for every [one] except myself for Board & Lodgings at the rate of 36 stivers pr. Day, and for myself 2½ Rix Dollars pr. Day as I found this would be more advantageous than any other way of proceeding.

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