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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Apr 27, 1789


Remarks in Anamoka Road Monday 27th April 1789

Light Winds Easterly and Cloudy Wr.

At 1 PM unmoored and got under was. Many Cannoes about us. I now told the two Tubows, Latoomylange Qunocappo and another old Cheif, that I should keep them on board untill the Grapnel was returned. Vastly Surprized Cannoes were sent away for it, but they notwithstanding assured me it could not be brought to night for it was not on Anamoka but some other Island. I however detained them untill Sun Down, when they began to be very uneasy beat themselves about their Eyes with their fists and at last cried bitterly. I now told them I should not detain them any longer and called their Cannoes alongside to take them in at which they were exceedingly rejoiced, and when I presented each of them with a present of a Hatchet, a Saw and Several large Toeys, Nails Knives and Gimlets, they fell into a degree of Crying and showed such gratitude and thanks for my goodness that it affected all of us. I told them all English People were their friends and that theiving from them was what they always resented. They acknowledged it and embracing me with flood of Tears we parted. For the night I steered to the northward and at Noon we were between Tofoa and Agoodoo Latd. Obsd. 19°..58′ So.

As I did not complete this days work in course, It is not so particular as it would have been on account of the unhappy circumstances that follow.

Served Fresh Pork and Yams as yeaterday.