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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks Apr 5, 1789





As I have observed in Page 292 that with the loss of my Ship went all my remarks and observations except what my Log contains, so likewise has ill health and want of convenience prevented my securing the advantage of my memory, untill I got to the Cape of Good Hope on my return to England in a small Dutch Packet.

The Opposite Plan I have laid down by the Anchor bearings at Matavai and Toahroah, with the known bearings of Point Venus from the Morai point and distance, which is nearest to 2½ Miles. Tarra is fixed by knowing it is nearly midway, and that when at Anchor in Toahroah it was about 5 degrees open with the Morai. All the rest is done from recollection and guess, which upon the whole I beleive will answer so well every purpose, that if I had said nothing about it, would not have been found out.

Should the Sea Breeze set in before a Ship is able to tow clear of the East part of Oparre Reef, in coming out of Toahroah, she may come to an Anchor in 8 or 10 fms. fine sand in the Bay on the East side of the Morai between which and Tarra the ground is mostly foul and particularyly off the Points.