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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Mar 31, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Tuesday 31st March 1789.

Untill the Evening fresh Breezes and fair Wr. all night and to 11 in the forenoon Light Airs and Calms when it blew a fresh Trade Gale. Wind ENE, Wly, ENE. Thermr. 81° to 84°.

PM put the Forge down below. Reced. 14 Tubs & 73 Pots of Plants. AM Received 138 Pots of Plants. Total on board, 652Pots 33Tubs 24Boxes. Aired Sails. Sick List two Venereals.

The taking the Plants on board and preparing the Ship for Sea has been our total employment and as much as we could attend to, the Natives thronging us in such a degree, knowing my determination to sail to morrow if I possibly can. I made several of my last presents to those who have been our intimates, and particularly to my Friend Teppahoo the Cheif of Tettahah. They were all received with much sensibility and gratitude, which gave me not less pleasure than I have universally received from the goodness of every individual here.

Great supplies of Plantains, Cocoanutts, Bread fruit, Mahie and Hogs are brought to me, and every mans Tyo is bringing him the best of those Articles that he is possessed of, for a Sea Store. This however is not to infer that the giver naturally expects a return for I might give instances of some Tyos who have not received a half dozen of nails since we have been among them.