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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Mar 27, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Friday 27th March 1789

Fresh Gale and Squally with some Rain the first and latter part the middle less Wind some Rain Thunder and Lightning. New Moon to day. Wind NE and ENE. Thermr. 80° to 84°.

In the afternoon bent the Topsails and Courses. AM loosed Sails to dry. Hauled the Starboard Cable up and cleaned it. Washed with boiling Water to kill Cockroaches.

Mar 25, 1789

I issued to day written orders dated the 25th last, for all the Cats to be taken out of the Ship likewise two Dogs, and that no one was to bring Curiosities into the Ship, but such as could be Stowed by the respective owners in their Chests. Likewise that great care was to be taken that no Native secreted himself on board as I would allow no one to go to England.

We see every Native exceedingly sorry to find the time of our departure so near. They still continue to bring us plenty of Cocoa nutts, Breadfruit and Plantains, Hogs Mr. Peckover finds but little trouble in collecting within the district of Oparre.

Tynah to day made his Present of two Parrys to the King and two to me. They were hung up in his House as a publick exhibition early in the Morning, and his Priest and People being collected a long prayer was said on the occasion, I was not present at the time, I therefore could only learn from Tynah that the substance of it was that his present might be well received by King George and that he would ever remain his friend and not forget him. When he presents it for me to take it from his House to give direction for it to be packed he could not refrain from shedding tears, & enjoining me to come again to Otaheite & carry him to England. He left me as he had an appointment to meet some People from Attahooroo.

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