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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Mar 25, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Wednesday 25th March 1789.

Fair Wr. with Light Winds and Calms in the middle part. Wind NE and Westerly. Thermr. 80° and 83½°.

Employed getting ready for Sea. The Carpenters repairing the Launch. Armourer at the Forge. AM sent the Powder on shore to air. Bent the Staysails and mizen. Many Natives and sufficient supplies. No sick List.

Mr. Peckover the Gunner was prevented to day from going to the lower part of Oparre in quest of Hogs to purchase, according to his usual way, by being told that if he went there he certainly would be robbed of all his Cloaths. On my enquiring into the matter I found it originated from the Master having from some misunderstanding kept some things belonging to a Woman of consequence whose Friends were determined to make reprizals on the first Person they met. I however soon settled the business by sending for the Woman and taking her with me on board, had the things returned to her which consisted of a mall [maul, mallet] and some peices of Cloth.

In the Morning Tynah returned to me having got a large quantity of Feathers.