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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Mar 9, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Monday 9th March 1789.

Moderate Winds with frequent Rain Thunder and Lightning. Fair Wr. for a few Hours in the first part of the night which enabled me to make some observations. Wind West, SW, WSW. Thermr. 80° to 82⅔°.

Employed at the Forge, repairing Casks and watering as the weather would admit. Sailmakers mending the Awnings and Boats coverings. Sick list as yesterday. Supplies and situation with the Natives as usual.

Scarce a day passes but Cannoes are passing to and from Tetturoah. To day several Cannoes came in, in one of which a present of Fish was sent to me from Mowworroah, Tynahs uncle, this old Cheif has been there since the time of my Deserters and waits for favorable weather to return. My old Friend Moannah I can get no other intelligence of than that he is at Morea. I have sent repeated messages to him to return, but all to no purpose, and I have reason to suppose that some of our friends here have frightened him from returning, because he did not bring over the Deserters, knowing well I should reward him for his former kindness and attention, and therefore think what would be given to him, will be divided among those who are here. Iddeeah is certainly in this plot and I cannot counteract it.

Much Sea in Matavai.