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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Mar 4, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Wednesday 4th March 1789

The first part moderate and cloudy with some Rain. The middle & latter light Winds and Calm. Wind West, EBN, WBS & NEBE. Thermr. 79° to 82°. Sick list as yesterday.

Employed at the Forge, Cooper repairing Casks and the Carpenters making Boxes for the Botanist. Washed again with boiling Water and Cleaned below. Cleared Hawse. Plentifull supplies of Breadfruit Cocoa nutts and Hogs, some Plantains.

In the Morning I began to make Observations to find the rate of the Time Keeper and at leisure opportunities employed Surveying, for my time is considerably taken up in being with the Cheifs and guarding watchfully our situation with the Natives which continues on a very happy footing. However when Ships are near sailing, or preparing for it, frequently induces Indians to commit some improprieties it is therefore impossible to be too cautious.

I have very earnest applications from my Friend Tynah to leave him a brace of Pistols and ammunition and as his conduct hereafter will be only to act on the defensive in case he is attacked, which all agree he will, it does away any impropriety in furnishing him with any such like arms. On account of what I shall leave here, he tells me a war will ensue as soon as I am gone, and that it will not be in his power to stand it, the Strength will be so great that will be opposed against him, but that in case I only give him two Pistols he has no doubt of defeating any number of people that may be brought against him. Iddeeah he says will fight with one and Oddidee with the other. The latter has learnt to be an excellent marksman, and Iddeeah loads and fires a musquet with as much skill as any of us. Tynah prefers the Pistols to Musquests as the People here cannot fire at the Right shoulder. Iddeeah


and Oddidee however has got the better of that difficulty. I feel myself bound to comply with this request, and at present am disposed to do it.

It is not common for Women to go to War, but Iddeeah perhaps is as great an Heroine as can be found existing. From the description they have given me of their land Battles, their Armies are managed with much Skill and kept compact. In these Tynah takes a part and may Command. Oreepyah and Whydooah his Brothers fight by Sea.

This afternoon a youth who lived near our Post died of consumption. As the Surgeon visited him from time to time, we knew of his death as soon as it took place. I therefore went to the House where were collected a few friends of the deceased. The Father was seated on the ground by his son with his legs across his thighs squeezing and pressing them, called roomee. Frequently he prest the Eyelids over the Eyes and at times fanning away the flies. The Mother was seated on the opposite side driving a Sharks tooth into her head by which the blood run in Streams to the ground. No greif could appear more affecting than it did in these poor unhappy Parents, its violence however, or perhaps from some other cause, created intermissions which were more lasting than I expected. The Corps was stretched on the ground upon a Matt, and at the head was placed some twisted Cocoa Nutt leaves and some others with a few peices of Bread fruit. A bunch of the Cocoa Nut leaves were tyed up as a nosegay is, and this they called the Morai of the deceased.

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