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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Feb 28, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour. Saturday 28th. February 1789

First part Moderate and dark Cloudy Wr. the middle and latter Calms and almost constant Rain. Wind at ENE. Therr. 79° to 81¼°.

Employed as the weather would permit, it however prevented me from washing Ship with Hot Water to destroy Vermin. Sick list 4 Venereals and one man ill with an inflamed arm. Supplies as usual.

Tynah with his Father Otow and a Ulietea Cheif called Toota,ah dined with me to day. Toota,ah is generally with Tynah he is a Priest and considered to have great knowlege. To get a certain knowledge of their division of time has given me much trouble, for altho many pretend to know it, yet I have found them so contradictory in their Accounts as convinced me they were not acquainted with the particulars of it. Tynah assured me only a few old People could give me any information and that he knew it but very imperfectly himself, he however has always referred me to Toota,ah or his uncle Mowworroah and from those people who were exceedingly clear and distinct I got the following information.

Both the Otaheite Month and Ulietea consist of 30 days but the year in Otaheite is considered only 12 months whereas the Ulietea year consists of 13 months.

Mowworroah and Tootaah agree exactly in the Otaheite Divisions, but concerning Ulietea I had only Toota,ah's


account, Mowworroah having been some time at Tetturoah, and I had no Idea there could be any difference to induce me to ask him about it.

Otaheite Names of
the Months
Temma Weereeareearee   Sepr Showers
Tearee Weereeamah Octr Changeable w'th Showers
Tettahigh Tearee Novr
Worraihoo Tettaigh Decemr    Much Wind & Rain
and Fish
Waahhow or Wahow   Worraihoo Jan'y
Peepeeree Wahahoo Feby
Ahoonoonee Peepeeree March Bad Wr. going off
Appaappa Ahoonoonu April Variable Wr.
Parromoah or Parrow Parrowmoah May Hot weather
Parroromure Parromure June   Do
Mooreeyaah Mooreeyaah July   Do
Euaheeya Eeaheeya August   Do with Showers

Mowworroah began the Otaheite year with Appaappa but Toota,ah with Temma, The one is when the sun crosses the line at the Autumnal Equinox and the other is at the Spring. This therefore led to no fixed time of their beginning the year, or could I find out any unless the different Islands begin it as I have Stated it.

One might imagine from seeing the same Name to different Months (as for Example an Otaheite Man says Peepeeree is January, a Ulietea person that Peepeeree is March) that there was some mistake in the account but it is not so, the fallibility of tradition has perhaps made these differences. It is however of no consequence


to the present people it being perfectly understood.

They have however criterions to judge of the particular times of the year by the different kinds of Breadfruit coming in Season, and according to Toota,ah they have it divided under six General heads governed by the Name of that Fruit which is then fit for eating as for Example.

Oorooaowne To the Month of  Septr or Weereeareearee
  Do of  Octr or Weereeamah
Tappeppee of  Novr or Tearee
   Do of  Decr or Tettaigh
Aieeotah of  Jany or Worraihoo
   Do of  Feby or Wahahoo
Evynooah of  March or Peepeeree
   Do of  April or Ahoonoonu
Teeerreerah of  May or Parroromoah
   Do of  June or Parroromuree
Mowrowwe of  July or Mooreeyaah
   Do of  August or Eeaheeya

Now in this division Toota,ah placed Tawa between Feby and March which was interval he said where no Breadfruit were to be had, that as they were never used by them for the Trees were never bare all the year round: but just at this time they were not in such perfection.

The Month Tawa therefore appears to me to be used to make up some deficiency in time which the Ulieteans observe in the 12 Lunar months, that is not taken notice of by the Otaheiteans, for taking Mowworroahs account of the


beginning of the year the Months will be as follows.

Otaheite Year Ulitea Year
Appaappa answers to our   March Peepeeree
Parroromoah April Ahoonoonu
Parroromuree May Parroromoah
Mooreeyaah June Parroromuree
Euaheeya July Mooreeyaah
Temma August Eeaheeya
Tearee Septemr   Weereeareearee
Tettahigh October Weereeamah
Warraihoo Novemr Tearee
Waahhow Decemr Tettaigh
Peepeeree Januy Worraihoo
Ahoonoonu Feby Wahahoo

From the foregoing accounts it is certain they have a regular account of time and to every day of the Month they have a particular Name, but notwithstanding I do not yet find any one who can give an exact account of time past, such as how many months it is since Captns. Wallis or Cook was here.

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