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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Feb 7, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Saturday 7th. February 1789

About 2 oClock this afternoon the Rain abated and kept dry untill midnight when the Rain came on again and continued very heavy with few intermissions. Wind NE, Et and SE & Westerly. Thermr. 76° to 78°. By the clouds the wind at sea was from the NNE.

Nothing prevents me on this day to have a thorough clean below, everything was therefore ready at dawn of day. Got the Cables up and Chests in the midst of Rain. Put the Boatswains Fish Kettle at the Forge fire and with the two ships Coppers employed all hands washing ship with boiling water to kill all kinds of Vermin. By noon whe [we] had washed every part two or three times over, and killed Cockroaches innumerable, and I beleive it is the only remedy against that destructive Vermin.

It would be a highly valuable proceeding in all ships at any time, and particularly those just put into commission, an Engine at such a time might be used to great effect as no Vermin could Stand it.

We have a great number of Cockroaches of the small kind, the breed of which I find we keep very much under, my endeavors however are unremitting on account of the Plants. Rats and Mice we are fortunate in not having many of, for with good Cats and setting Traps the ship is perhaps more free of them than ever a ship was. It is by an early attention to these minut[i]ae that I have the most flattering hopes that nothing on board the Ship will hurt the Plants.

The Bad Weather has confined me to the ship the whole day and we have been but very thinly visited by the Natives. Tynah I have seen nothing of.

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