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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Feb 4, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Wednesday 4th. February 1789

Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Wr. with squalls and Rain at times. Calm and Thunder and Lightning.

Employed on the necessary duties of the Ship as the weather would allow. A few Hands cutting up some Breadfruit Trees which Tynah continues to supply me with.

Punished Chas. Churchill with 12 lashes and Wm. Muspratt and Jno Millward 2 dozen each as the remaining part of their punishment for desertion, and I directed them to be released from confinement.

I have now besides 774 Pots, 63 Tubs and Boxes filled with Bread fruit plants. These last contain at least 158 Plants, and the Pots as some of them have two, I consider at least 857, so that the whole is at least 1015. I had only convenience for 626 when I left England, so that I have encreased the number of stands 211 which is nearly one third more, and 389 with respect to the Plants, as the Tubs hold more than one or two. I have been enabled to do this by taking up the spaces where my Hen Coops were, and rejected the Idea of carrying stock. Besides the above I have Vees, Ay-yahs, Plantains, Rattahs, Matte, Ettou and a few rare Botanical Plants.