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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Feb 2, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Monday 2nd. February 1789

Squally and dark Gloomy Wr. with heavy Rain Thunder & Lightning. Calms in the middle part. Wind Westly. and NE to ESE. Thermr. 83° to 81°.

Armourer Employed at the Forge in the Fair Intervals, as also some Hands cutting Wood. Sufficient Supplies.

Tynah with his Father and Mother and all the Royal Family dined and passed the Afternoon with me and also Poeeno and several other Cheifs. Among all these People I distributed Indian Corn and Almonds for planting, the latter with Raisins. I gave them as many as they could eat, and as I have done many times before explained to them that the Raisins would be produced from the Trees that were growing at Poeeno's as an inducement to take care of them. That the Wine was produced from them was however a superior biass as they are all fond of it. All the Cheifs when they dine with me are anxious untill it is produced, and as I have always accustomed them to drink King George's health, they sometimes remind me of it by calling out King George Erree no Pretanee. Tynah has a great deal of humour with him and frequently banters me when I do not fill his Glass a Bumper, and as he does not feed himself, the Office of carrying the Wine to his mouth is done by me, as I wish to dispense with his attendants after dinner, (when there is always one or the other of them to put the meat into his mouth,) because my steerage being small, the heat is sometimes intolerable. Nothing can exceed the mirth and jollity of these People when they meet on board. Scarce any one now comes without peices of Iron and old axes worn out, that they have got from other ships, to be manufactored for them, and as it is our duty to render them all these services the Armourer is kept well employed at the Forge.

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