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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Jan 30, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour. Friday 30th. January 1789

Fair Wr and moderate Breezes with a few showers of Rain. Wind Westerly and ENE. Thermr. 79° to 82½°. Five Venereals in the List. Employed about the necessary duties of the ship and cutting wood. Supplies as usual. Armourer at the Forge.

I have no intelligence yet of the return of Moannah and Oreepyah from Tetturoah. I am told it is owing to bad winds that have prevailed at Sea. This Island of Tetturoah is resorted to at particular times of the year by the principal People of this part of the Island, who collect and have their particular diversions and amusements with feasting on Fish. The Island is made up of a Group of small Keys surrounded by a Reef no part of which is accessible for a Boat. The produce is chiefly Cocoa nuts with a few Plantains. Provisions are therefore daily carried over from Otaheite, particularly Breadfruit. A hundred sail of Cannoes were there at the time my Deserters were who tell me that Oreepyah was enjoying himself with much Pomp and a variety of amusements.