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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Jan 9, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Friday 9th. January 1789

Fair Wr. with strong Winds at sea and some Calms in the night and a few light showers of Rain. Wind at ENE and Thermr. 80° and 84°. Armourer at the Forge. Hands picking Bread. Carpenters repairing the Large Cutter and some hands stroppg Blocks. Many Natives off to day and got good Supplies. Six Venereals.

Poeeno the Cheif of Matavai came to see me to day, and pleaded for an excuse for being long absent from me, that he was affraid on Account of my People being carried away from Matavai in a Cannoe to Tetturoah, but this he said was done before he heard any thing of it, and that the only service he could render me then was, to send the Boat back which the Villains who had left me desired the Natives to destroy.

As this was realy an Act of Friendship I made him a handsome present and we were Friends, but with this injunction that he should exert himself and bring the People back, or that otherwise I should make the whole Country suffer for it. In Answer to this he assured me they would be brought back, and that Tynah had given directions for Cannoes to go over as soon as the weather turned moderate. I have therefore no doubt at present that the Deserters will be returned to me as soon as possible.

In the Morning one of my Officers on shore having plucked a branch of a Tree called Tee tuee or Tee ighree that bears the oil nut, which was growing at a Morai, and accidentally bringing it into the dwelling where my people are at, all the Natives both men and Women suddenly left it. When I came on shore I found a branch of this Tree tyed to one of the Posts, altho they saw the effect it had of keeping the Natives from the House, and notwithstanding I ordered it away no one would come near the place. They said the House was tabooed and that no one could come there untill the Tabboo was taken off and that must be done by Tynah he therefore from my application promised to take it away in the afternoon. Anything taken away from a Morai is said to give great offence to the Eatua, no one will therefore come near the place where such an article has been deposited untill they are satisfied that through prayer their God is no longer displeased.

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