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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Dec 29, 1788


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Oparre Monday 29th Decemr. 1788

Fair Wr. with a few showers and fresh Breezes in the day with light Airs and Calms in the night. Wind at ENE and the Thermr. 79¾ to 82.

Unreeved all the running Rigging and stowed it below and got all Ropes of[f] the Deck to preserve them. One of my people has now thoroughly examined the ships bottom and reports to me that only a Small peice of the Copper is the least hurt and that is at the Forefoot.

This morning punished Robt Lamb butcher with 12 Lashes for suffering his Cleaver to be stolen. As this matter was publick and before Tynah and several Cheifs it was a favorable opportunity to explain to them the cause; and that any of their people would receive the same punishment if they were detected. It is however much more our fault than theirs, and I am certain that with the same kind of intercourse with a like number of Europeans more Acts of roguery would be committed.

Tynah promised me he would send in search of the Cleaver, but I have no hopes that it is in his power to get it, however desirous he may be to serve me, and I wish too much to keep up our good will towards each other, than by violent measures in getting this thing restored, to counteract it.