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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Dec 26, 1788


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Oparre Friday 26th Decemr. 1788

First and middle parts Modt breezes and Squalls of Rain, the latter a fresh Trade and fair Wr. Wind EBS and ENE. Thermr. from 82° to 83°. No sick list.

It was with much trouble and difficulty I got my anchors this afternoon, however by dark I got the small Bower placed and Steadied the Ship with the Stream for the Night.

At day break weighed the Stream and having little wind I warped and moored with the Best Bower to the Westward with half a cable and a whole one on the Small. The Peak of the Island Imeo shut in with the West point of the Harbour. Bearings Point Venus N46°E. East point of the Harbour N65°Et. ¼ mile. West Point N88°W. and the North part of Imeo N84W. offshore a half Cables length. The Small Br in 9 fms. the ship in 8½ fms. and the Best Br in 7 fms. As 7 fathoms of the Best Bower Cable was rubbed I cut it off for the use of the Boatswain.

Loosed Sails and dryed wet things and cleaned Ship. I now went on shore to fix on a Spot for my People and the Plants which was readily done, as my Friend Tynah supplied me with a large House sufficient for all purposes abreast of the ship, and I ordered immediatly the Party which I had on Shore at Matavai to prepare for receiving the Plants.

On my landing the most sincere congratulations were paid to me by all the principal people, and I may say by a great croud, on the safety of the ship for they thought she could never have been got off. On this occasion Tynah and his Brother Oreepyah desired I would attend a ceremony which they call called Otie, and which was just then about being performed. As I of course complyed they left me with Moannah and a Stool was brought me to sit on. Presently I saw Tynah come forward with about twenty men who all made a Stop about 30 yards distant, and most of them sitting, a Priest stood behind them and made


a short prayer to the Eatua which was answered by the others. A person then was sent to me with three small Pigs and three stems of Plantain leaves at three different times. The first was to the God of Pretanee, the next to King George and the last to myself. To their own God they said an offering had been made and that they had prayed to him and thanked him for not suffering the ship to be lost and that now I need no longer be under any apprehensions about my safety for that nothing would hurt me. Moannah then got up and spoke in return for me, without being dictated to, the purpose of which was that I had received the offerings with all deference, that we were all very good People and Friends, and therefore exhorted them that as I was now among them, they would committ no thefts. Bring your Pigs, your cocoa nutts and Breadfruit and you will have Toeys Knives and nails in return. They take nothing from you without your consent, and then give many good things for whatever it is. Every Man therefore is to quit this place at night, for if you come here when it is dark you will be killed.

Here this ceremony ended, but all who had friends on board carried of[f] Pigs Dogs and Cats to them and a similar ceremony in part was performed on board. Untill this was done only a few People came off to the Ship.

Every Person who comes among these people has or may have his Tyo or Friend but the Commander or Erreerahigh (as he is called) has also his Earee (in this sense signifies a champion). Now the Erreerahigh is beyond being an Earee to anyone, and is only nominated a Tyo, it is therefore with me that Tynah is my Friend and Moannah my Earee who is supposed to be determined to revenge any insult that my be given to me.

When Captain Cook was here he was in the same situation Tynah was his Friend and Poeeno his Earee, and it is from that circumstance that his Picture which he gave to Otoo, now Tynah, is kept by Poeeno which I have been long in discovering the Cause of. Poeeno is also my Tyo and in his own district by his people bears my name and I his, but every where else I have the name of Tynah or Matte which are the two names he has.


At noon I returned to the ship to Dinner with my usual company, and everything was ready to take the Plants on shore in the afternoon as soon as the sun should be low, to a Situation vastly preferable to Point Venus.

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