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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Nov 26, 1788


Remarks in Matavai Bay. Wednesday 26th Novemr. 1788

Fresh breezes and cloudy Wr. with Rain at times in Squalls and much Lightning with distant Thunder. A very heavy swell in the Bay and the ship much motion. The Wind at East and EBS but apparently from the northward without. The Thermr. from 80° to 82½°. Received a plentifull supply of Hogs, Bread fruit, and Cocoanutts. Painted the large Cutter with white Lead to prevent the Worms getting hold of her.

The Total of plants shifted up to this day at Noon are 226. The sick list as yesterday but all recovering.

I had only Moannah and Poeeno with me to day with Oberreeroah who on her return to the shore took with her the present I had made to her yesterday. The two Cheifs told me that Tynah and his Brother Oreepyah were on bad terms and that they would quarrel and fight as soon as I sailed. I have observed some coolness between them and knew they did not heartily like one the other, on every opportunity therefore I have endeavored to make them friends, but it has had no effect. This dislike has arisen from the disagreement of the Two Wives.