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Fateful Voyage

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Revised 2012-12-01

Bounty Logbook Nov 19, 1788


Remarks in Matavai Bay Wednesday 19th Novemr 1788

Fair Wr. with light Variable Winds. Therr. from 80° to 83°. Employed cleaning ship and the Carpenter making a railing round the sky light of the Cabbin.

A few small Hogs were brought off to us to day so that our supplies are still sufficient. The sick list containing two men, one recovering from the Flux and the other incapable of duty by the Cramp.

This afternoon I made it my Business to go in search of Teppahoo the Cheif of Tettahah. As I did not see him on Wednesday when he left on board a Hog for me, and my particular Views in seeing this man were to buy the Heifer of him which I have spoke of on Saturday last. I found him at the farther part of the Bay, and brought him on board with me in company with Odiddee, and the present I made to him pleased him so much that I found it a good time to ask if he was inclined to part with his Booah sauro (as they call it) provided I made him a suitable return here I mentioned Hatchets, Saws, Shirts, and every other thing I had, and I saw it had the desired effect.

The bargain was now fixed, and the Heifer he promised to bring by land to Oparre in the course of five days. However I shall not be surprized if he fails in his promise as I know full well these people are not to be depended on, but I shall spare no pains or expense to get this fine Animal, in which case if I succeed I shall endeavor to do the same with the Cheif of Itteeah where I am told a Bull is. These animals then becoming my own property I shall leave them at the most elligible place at my departure, but if I cannot get the Bull, the Possessor shall have the Heifer from me as a present, and perhaps this may more effectually complete my wishes than any other mode I can adopt.

Out of the many things left Tynah by Captn. Cook, every thing has been taken from him except a small Tool Box and three Axes.


The Picture of Captn. Cook altho now in his possession was taken to Attahooroo, and that I imagine was returned because they had no particular wish to keep it in their possession. On that account he has been very importunate to me to make him a large chest to keep whatever I give him from being stolen and he described that it must be made large enough for him and his wife to sleep on. This is just such another as was given him by Captn. Cook, and on my asking him what had become of that he did not hesitate to tell me that with the other things it had been taken away by the People of Imeo. I reflected on him in some degree for thus suffering himself to be so robbed & beaten, but he cared little about it, and only replied that the People of Imeo were Tata Teahe, which is Warriors. I however promised to make him a chest, and to assist him all I could.

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