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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Nov 8, 1788


Remarks in Matavai Bay. Saturday 8th Novemr 1788

The first part of this day was dark cloudy Wr. with much Rain, but the middle and latter was fair with a very heavy swell setting into the Bay and a great surf on the shore. The Wind at EBS, E and EBN and the Thermr from 76° to 81°

In the morning got all the sails unbent except the Mizn. & Fore Topmt Staysails. The Carpenters completed the Cabbin sufficient to receive any number of Plants. The sick list has still two men in it as before but they are recovering fast.

This afternoon I received a present of a Hog and some Breadfruit and Plantains from Oreepyah, but these presents are very expensive, for, to be on a good footing with the Cheifs, my returns of civility exceed considerably what I might get the same articles for at the common market. However to Oreepyah I grudge nothing as he is a person who merits the name of a Cheif in this Country.

Tynah was on Deck when his Brother Oreepyah came on board, and was very jealous of him. He desired me to tell Oreepyah not to bring any Hogs or fruit and to take those back which were now in the Ship. The impropriety and meaness of Tynah in making this request was too absurd to be complied with. Oreepyah is a man of great spirit and highly respected it would therefore not be safe to incurr his displeasure and either would be productive of some bad consequences, to prevent which is my study to please both parties, as I am very sensible my success in getting the Plants will in a great measure depend on it.

Nov 6, 1788

Oreepyah unravelled to me the account I have given on the 6th. respecting the first born child of Tynahs being killed. His account to me was, that when Tynah married Iddeah, he was an Erree,oy and continued so untill nearly the Birth of his second child, but before that took place he renounced the Society among whom is that horrid and detestable crime of killing their children, and of course was the cause of Tynahs destroying his.

The forenoon passed without any remarkable occurence. I had


the Cheifs off as usual to dine with me, and most of them had additional presents, by way of keeping them in good humour. So far I have effected it beyond my expectation, and that I may continue to be successfull causes my time to pass anxiously on. I have now 168 Plants potted at the Tents, and if we continue to go on as we have done a fortnight or three weeks more will complete our business. No time however is lost, and I must do Mr. Nelson the justice to say he is very diligent and attentive. The Plants in general, at the suckers, have very fine Roots, and I hope he will soon be able to remove them to the ship out of the Way of the Natives, where they are not with certainty exempt from Accident.

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