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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Oct 31, 1788


Remarks in Matavai Bay. Friday 31st. October 1788

Fresh Breezes and Squally with Rain. Employed airing sails and cleaning ship. Wind at East and ENE and the Thermr. from 81° to 79°. I have had Chas Norman in the sick list for these four days, under the complaint Rheumatism, but on my seeing him to day, the Man complained much of a difficulty of breathing, for which he had a Blister just then put to his breast, and his complaints were in the bowels.

Oct 25, 1788

I was obliged to warn the Surgeon against any neglect of him. The Surgeon since the 25th has been sober and no appearance of a Paralytic affection, which prior to this in the course of his ebriety, was the complaint he laboured under. To day I completed one puncheon of salted Pork. My People fed plentifully. In the morning found the Natives had stole the Buoy from the Best Bower Anchor.

The different chiefs remained with me as usual untill after sundown, when my Boats carryed them on shore as has been my custom from their request ever since I have been here. A Double Cannoe with four paddles desired to try their going with a five oared cutter, and I made it a fair race. The cutter got on shore first, and the Cheif Oreepyah and others were disembarked, before the Cannoe got to the beach. As they were returning instantly according to their Orders, Oreepyah stopped them, and bringing a peice of white Cloth, fastened it to the Boat hook, stuck it in the Bow, and told them to take that off as a trophy of their victory, and vast shouts of applause were given by every one on shore.

Otoo sent one of his People on shore and brought me a Small Box to repair which he had given him by Captn. Cook. It had been opened by force and had nothing it it but two large axes, on which he set a great Value, and had been very little used. Everything was put in Order for him without delay.

Two she goats were bought for half the price of a Hog of 30 lbs weight. In the morning at Sun rise Moan,nah, Cheif of Matavai, came off with a message from Otoo that he was mattowed, or afraid to come on board and that he had sent in search of some theives who had been stealing from us. I saw there was something amiss as no Cannoes were alongside, and on examining what could be taken away, I found it to be the Buoy of the Best Bower Anchor that had two Iron Hoops on it. That this might not create any ill will among us, I sent


the Boat immediately to Otoo and his Wife, and requested them to come on board, that I was still good friends with them. They returned with the Boat and a doubt of our friendly intercourse no longer remained. On my enquiry after Oreepy,ah (who had engaged to go to Oparre with me,) they said he was mattowed, and was gone in quest of the Theives. As I was anxious not to lose another day, I pressed Otoo to go with me, and the Cheif of Matavai, Poeeno, who was to have been of the party. Iddeeah Otoos Wife agreeing to it, I ordered the Boat to be in readyness, and while this was doing I got a valuable present ready, to present to the Erree,rahigh, who Otoo now told me was his eldest son and resided at Oparre, there were also two other Children there, so that by this means he intimated; presents should be made also to them, which I thought best to do with chearfullness, altho I had given him already very considerably. Every thing being now settled I with Otoo, his Wife and Poeeno set out for Oparre at Noon. I took Mr Nelson with me.

Moan,nah Cheif of Matavai and Poeenos Uncle (not Father as said before) remained on board, as he said to keep the Theives away, of which service we were not in need.

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