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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Aug 29, 1788


WindsTherRems. Friday 29th August 1788 in Adventure Bay Van Diemans Land
Moderate and Cloudy with squalls of Rain Thunder and Lightning in the first and middle parts, the latter strong Gales and thick Rainy Wr. Fish caught with Hook and Line as usual.
Varia55 This afternoon I went with an intention of landing on Pengwin Island, but the Weather setting in very boisterous and Rainy I did not effect it. In my way I shot two Gannets. These Birds are about the size of an European Gannet; of a most beautifull white except the Tips of the Wings and tail which are black, and the Top and back of the head of a very fine yellow. The feet are black with four claws having on each a line of yellow the whole length of the Foot. The Bill is taper and very Strong and about 4 Inches long, without any nostrils. We saw several Wild Ducks and Oyster Catchers, but these altho nearly the size with a Red Bill as those described on the 23 have their Plumage entirely black. The Wood on this side the Bay is not near so thick as in all other parts of it, I therefore determined on Planting some Fruit Trees, and what I had to leave here, on this side in preference to the other, and particularly as Mr Nelson assured me it was the place best adapted for it. What is much against anything succeeding is, that in the dry weather when the Natives make a fire, it communicates to the Grass and underwood, and destroys every thing that canot bear a severe scorching, even many large Trees are destroyed by it. I returned on board very wet and no work could be done the remainder of this day but cleaning Ship.

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