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Fateful Voyage

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Revised 2010-04-16




Remarks at Deptford

Aug 16, 1787
Sep 3, 1787

On the 16th August 1787 I had the Honor to receive my Appointment from the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to Command His Majestys Vessel Bounty, forthwith to put her in Commission and to use the utmost dispatch to complete her for a Voyage to remote parts, which from the Ship being in Dock I could not begin to execute untill the 3rd of September when she was taken alongside the Hulk.

Sep 4, 1787

On the 4th. September from an application I had made the Lower Masts were got out and Shortened and the Lower and Topsail Yards were cut on shore agreeble to my request.

Oct 9, 1787

On the 9th of October I was ready stored and Victualled for 18 Months and with a Pilot on board proceeded to Longreach where was brought to me all the Gunners Stores, four Carriage four Pounders and 10 Swivels, with the necessary number of Small Arms.

Oct 15, 1787
Oct 24, 1787
Nov 4, 1787

On the 15th. I received my Orders to proceed to Spithead, but it was the 24th before I got into the Downs, where meeting with contrary Winds I was not able to comply with my Orders until the 4th of November, when after much bad Weather I Anchored at Spithead and Moored. Under the Command of Lord Hood.

Nov 24, 1787

On Saturday the 24th November Lord Hood gave me my final Orders (Dated the 20th) to proceed to Sea. I now made Application for my People to be paid their two Months Advance which was done the 28th, when we unmoored and on the following Morning worked out to St. Helens with the Wind at South where we were Obliged to Anchor.

Nov 30, 1787

On the Following Morning November the 30th I got under Sail again, for altho the Wind was not favorable being at South, the Weather being Moderate tempted me to try what could be done, being very Anxious to get down Channel. At Noon I Observed Latitude 50°..44′ No when Selsby Bill bore ESE 3 leagues and Chichester Church NEBE½Et.

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