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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 117
Nessy Heywood, Maria & Aaron Graham to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 117. Miss N. Heywood &c to Mrs. Heywood.

Great Russel Street - Monday Morn'g
29th Oct'r. ½ past ten o Clock —
the brightest Moment of my
Existence! —

My dearest Mama

I have seen him — clasped him to my Bosom — & my Felicity is beyond Expression! — In Person he is almost even now as I cou'd wish — in Mind, you know him an Angel — I can write no more but to tell you that the three happiest Beings at this Moment on Earth are your most dutiful

& affectionate Children

  Nessy Heywood

    Peter Heywood

      James Heywood

Love to & from all ten thousand times.


I cannot help taking up the Pen my dear Madam to congratulate you on your beloved Peter's Arrival once more in London — that he may long enjoy that first of Blessings, Liberty & the Company of his amiable Family, is the Wish of

dear Madam

  your most obd't. hbl Serv't.

    Maria Graham.


If my dearest Madam it were ever given for Mortals to be supremely blest on Earth — mine to be sure must be the happy Family. — Heavens! with what unbounded extravagance have we been forming our Wishes! & yet how far beyond one most unbounded Wishes are we blest! — Nessy, Maria, Peter, & James, I see have all been endeavouring to express their Feelings — I will not fail in any such Attempt, for I will not attempt any thing beyond an Assurance, that the Scene I have been Witness of, & in which I am happily so great a sharer, beggars all Description. — Permit me however to offer my most sincere Congratulations upon the joyful Occasion — do me the Favor also to offer them to Miss Heywood, Eliza, Bell, & Jane & beg that they will believe me to be, as I trust you will do me the Honor of thinking

I am —

  my dear Madam ———

– – – – But before I conclude, it may not be improper for me to apologize for one who in her Impatience to be admitted to an Intimacy with your amiable Family seems to have introduced herself to your Acquaintance with very little Ceremony — she is not a foreward Girl — I think her rather a good One — & am informed by our dear Nessy (than whose good Opinion there is nothing she ought to be prouder of) that with very little Amendment she may probably be recieved by you with Affection. — Now my dear Madam I have the Honor to remain with real Consideration & very great respect

your most obed't

  & faithful humble serv't.

    A: Graham.

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