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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 116
Aaron Graham to Nessy Heywood

No. 116. A'n. Graham Esq'r. to Miss N. Heywood.

Portsmouth — 27th Oct'r. 1792

My dearest Nessy

If you expect me to enter into particulars as how I got him, — when I got him, — & where I have him, you will be disappointed; — for that is not in my Power at present — suffice it to say, that he is now with me, & well; not on board the Hector, but at the House of a very worthy Man — to Day we dine with Mr. Delafons — tomorrow we shall perhaps sleep on the London road — & on Tuesday — Oh! my dear little Girl! — kiss Maria for me & tell her I love her dearly

& am yours

  most affectionately

    A: Graham.

Be patient my dearest Nessy — a few Hours — & you will embrace your long-lost & most affectionate Brother Peter Heywood

Mr. Graham's Impatience & generous Anxiety to give the finishing stroke to this joyful Event, wou'd not however permit him to delay one Moment, & on Monday Morning the happy Party arrived in London.

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