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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 100
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No 100. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood.

Hector — Octr 16th 1792

I have this Moment by my Brother James, my beloved Sister's Letter of Yesterday, which gives me new Pleasure from the Sentiments I find my dear Mother even now entertains of me, notwithstanding the Laws of my Country have condemned me to be banished from this World as a Wretch unworthy to live in it — but what of that? — am I the first unhappy Victim who hath been torn from his dear Family, his Connections, & his All — tho conscious of his own Integrity — thorough Innocence of the Crime for which his Life must be the unjust Forfeit? — No! — why then shou'd I for a Moment repine? — I do not — nor ever will! — for that Idea alone if placed on a good Foundation is sufficient to make any Man so light, that he can buoyantly float, upon the ruffled Tide of Misfortune — & I own to you my dearest sister, tis that only, now enables me to support my Life and Spirits, which without it wou'd soon bend beneath the ponderous Load under which I have long tottered! — but bye & bye I shall with God's Assistance throw them off; — then shall I be a joyful Partaker of that Bliss of which I can now have but a very faint Idea! — Chear up then my dear Nessy! — cherish your Hope & I will exercise my Patience — both I know by Experience to be productive of the same Fruits — present ContentJames is gone to dine with Mr. Spranger & I am employing my leisure Hours in making a Vocabulary of the 'Taheitean Language — whoever you write to at Home my Love remember me to them as I wish & in particular to our paternal Friend Mr. Graham.

ever my dearest sister

  your most ardently Affectionate

    & truly faithful Brother

      P: Heywood

Keep up your dear Spirits above all Things —— Hope is your's — & — mine too —

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