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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 99
Nessy Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 99. Miss N. Heywood to Mrs. Heywood.

Great Russel Street – 15th Octr 1792

My dearest Mama

This Moment I received your's of the 11th & will not lose a Post to answer it more particularly as I have also a Letter from my Aunt Holwell informing me that she has Assurance of the royal Mercy being already extended & that she has written you a Letter congratulating you on the joyful Intelligence — Now my dearest Mama tho' I cannot doubt its Truth yet it must be very private for nobody else has yet heard of it, not even Mr. Graham, & there is a Possibility of its being premature. — it is therefore Mr. G's particular request that you will by no Means whatever say one Word about it — the Mention of it at this Time can do no Good & may do much Harm — therefore for Heaven's Sake be secretI have a Letter from Peter to Day & have as usual written to him, but I dare not mention one Word of what makes me almost happy — is it not a cruel Prohibition? — but I comfort myself with thinking (if true) it will soon be over! Adieu my dear Mama — my best Love at Home — I am sure you will readily believe I have no Thoughts or Wishes but what tend to the Ease & Comfort of our lov'd Peter & yourselves — keep up your Spirits — God bless you all — & believe me (in haste therefore pardon a short Letter) your most dutiful

& affectionate Daughter

    Nessy Heywood

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