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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 91
James Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 91. Jas. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood

Portsmouth 7th Octr 1792

Dearest Nessy

Immediately on my Arrival here I went on board the Hector & enquired for the commanding Officer to whom I announced my Name, & he immediately sent to inform Peter of it. — In ten Minutes I was told he was ready to see me, & we went into one of the Officers Cabins alone — I leave to your Imagination the rest! — I do assure you he is in as good Spirits as you ever saw him — & the Goodness of the Officers to him is beyond Expression — I remained with him an Hour that Night, & we were together eight Hours the next Day — when with me he is suffered to be without Irons — If you have any thing to say to him for his own private Ear, direct to me at ———

I remain my dear Nessy

  your's most affectionately

    Jas. Heywood

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