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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 88
Nessy Heywood to Mary Heywood

No. 88. Miss N. Heywood to Miss Heywood

Great Russell Street 6th Oct'r. 1792

My dearest Mary

As upon recollection the Post does not leave Town tomorrow I write today upon the usual interesting Topic — & first with respect to that little Wretch Hallet– his Intrepidity in Court was astonishing — & after every Evidence had spoken highly in Peter's Favor & given Testimony on his Innocence so strong that not a Doubt was entertained of his Acquittal, he declared unasked that while Bligh was upon the Deck he (Hallet) saw him look at & speak to Peter, what he said to him Hallet cou'd not hear (being at the Distance of 20 Feet from Bligh between him and Peter, who was 20 Feet farther off consequently a Distance of 40 Feet separated Mr. Bligh & my Brother) but he added that Peter, upon hearing what Mr. B. said to him, laughed & turned contemptuously away — No other Witness saw Peter laugh but Hallet (on the Contrary all agreed he wore a countenance on that Day remarkably sorrowful) yet the Effect of this cruel Evidence was wonderful upon the Minds of the Court-Martial, & they concluded by pronouncing the dreadful Sentence! — tho' at the same time accompanied by an Assurance of the strongest recommendation to Mercy.

Assure yourselves (from Mr. Grahams own Mouth) that Peter's Honor is & will be secure as his own — that every professional Man as well as every Man of Sense of whatever Denomination, does & will esteem him highly — that my dear Uncle Pasley (who was in Town the Night before my Arrival) is delighted with his Worth — & that in short we shall at length by happy! — James was here this Morning & sends Love — he goes to Portsmouth tomorrow —

Miss Graham is a sweet & very lovely Girl & I am charmed with her — I have declined going out any where at present & in talking of Peter consists my chief recreation & Happiness — Ah! with what rapture do I listen while Mr. Graham speaks his Praise! — Adieu my dearest Mary — I am just going to write to Peter — my Love ten thousand times to you all, & kind remembrances where I wish to offer them — keep up my Mama's Spirits –

& believe me for ever with unbounded Love

  your fondly affectionate Sister

      Nessy Heywood

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