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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 76
Aaron Graham to Dr. Patrick Scott

No. 76. A. Graham Esq'r. to Dr. Scott.

Portsmouth – 20th Sep'r. 1792


Prevented by Indisposition I have not been able to pay Mr. Heywood a Visit to day; but by a Messenger who carried him off some Things from me, I learn he is as well as he might, & much better than any of his Friends might expect him to be. — Again I beg you will be assured that as far as the Attention of his Friends can make it so his situation shall be comfortable to him. — it is with Difficulty I have held up my Head (which aches most wretchedly) to write thus much therefore shall make no Apology for abruptly begging you will believe that I am very sincerely

your most ob't. servant

    A: Graham

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