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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 75
Aaron Graham to Dr. Patrick Scott

No. 75. A: Graham Esq'r. to Dr. Scott.

Portsmouth – 19th Sep'r. 1792

Sir –

I hope you will, before you receive this, have been some Time in Possession of my Letter of Yesterday. — I am in a very bad State of Health, which has been not a little injured by my Anxiety for the last six or seven Days on Mr. Heywood's Account; — but tho' I am incapable of writing much, I could not suffer the Post to go out without informing you I visited him this Morning, & that he is in every respect (considering how Things are circumstanced) as well as I cou'd wish him to be. — I shall not fail to visit him daily, & you may depend upon every Attention in my Power being paid to him. — it will be a great Satisfaction to his Family to learn that the Declarations of some of the other Prisoners since the Trial, put it past all Doubt that the Evidence upon which convicted must have been (to say nothing worse of it) an unfortunate Belief on the Part of the Witness, of Circumstances, which either never had Existence, or were applicable to one of the other Gentlemen who remained in the ship, & not to Mr. Heywood. — I will beg the Favor of you Sir to offer my best Services & respects to the Family & allow me to have the Honor of subscribing myself — Sir —

your most ob't.

  hbl servant

    A: Graham

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