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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 19
James M. Heywood to Peter Heywood

No. 19 J: M: Heywood Esq'r. to Mr. P. Heywood

Albemarle Street London June 29th. 1792

Dear Sir.

Jun 27, 1792 I have your Favor of the 27th. giving me some Account of the unfortunate Affair respecting the Bounty; — & it gives me great satisfaction to have heard from other People, that your Conduct at the Time of the Mutiny was such as to give all your Friends the strongest Hopes that you will clear your Character when you are put upon your Trial. — Till that happens it is needless, & might be improper, for me to say any thing more upon the subject, but that you may depend upon my Endeavours to serve you as much as I can; in the mean Time I advise you to keep up your Spirits as much as possible, trusting to a Consciousness of your Innocence, & to the Certainty of having a fair Trial. I hope the Assistance I sent you may have been of Use to you & with the warmest Wishes for your honorable Acquittal

I remain dear Sir

  your faithful hbl serv't.

    J: M: Heywood

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