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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 18
James M. Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 18. J. M. Heywood Esq'r. to Miss N. Heywood

London June 29th. 1792

My dear Madam

I have this Moment received your Packet, & have opened the Cover which enclosed my Daughter Mrs. Bertie's Letter in Order to put this into it — I have read attentively the Copy which you sent me of your Brother's Letter from Batavia, & tho I have little Time at present must congratulate you & your Family on the favorable Light in which I trust his Conduct will appear upon his Trial: — I have just received a Letter from him, & have answered it with proper Caution. — Mrs. Bertie will do every thing in her power to alleviate his sufferings while he remains in his present situation, & it shall be my Endeavour to render him all the Essential Service I can. — Excuse my dear Miss Heywood a very hasty scrawl, & with warmest Wishes for your Brother's Victory over all his Difficulties & Distresses.

believe me most faithfully yours

    J: M: Heywood

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