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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 16
Peter Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 16 Mr. P. Heywood to Mrs. Heywood.

H: M: S: Hector Portsmouth June 23'd 1792

My dear Mother.

Jun 20, 1792 As I have in my two former Letters to you & my Sister Nessy from hence of the 20th. made you acquainted with the Particulars relating to myself &c I need not now recapitulate them, this Note being only to inform you, that I am now a Prisoner on board H: M: S: Hector in Portsmouth Harbour, to desire you will send me a little Money that I may be enabled to Cloath myself with that decency which is requisite, & to inform you that as I shall not be allowed to see my relatives untill my Trial is over I shall not expect any of them at this Port — When you write to me, insert none of those Family secrets which it is sometimes requisite to veil from the Eye of the Public, as my Situation renders it necessary to have my Letters perused by an Officer e'er they come to my Hand. — I cannot inform you how soon my Trial will come on, but hope it will not be a great Length of Time, therefore with the remembrance of me to all my Friends & sincere Love to my Brothers & Sisters, I ever am my dear & hon'd. Mother

your most obt. & dutiful Son

    Peter Heywood

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