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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Summary of two lost letters

By the same Post which brought the Above were received also two other Letters – one to Mrs. Heywood the other to his sister Miss Nessy Heywood both of which have been lost. — In them he relates all the Particulars of his voyage from Batavia the Hardships of which were dreadful — having slept on Nothing but hard Boards or wet Canvas, without any Bed for seventeen Months always subsisting on short Allowance of execrable Provisions, & without any Cloaths for some Time except such as the Charity of two young Men in the Ship supplied him with — he had during his Confinement learned to make straw Hats, & with both his Hands in Fetters he finished several, which he sold for half a Crown a-piece — with the Produce of those he procured a Suit of Coarse Cloaths in which, with a chearful & light Heart, notwithstanding all his sufferings he arrived at Portsmouth.

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